

Start: 18.09.2024 | 13.30 to 17.00
End: 19.09.2024 | 13.30 to 17.00


SZS Swiss Center for Steel Construction | 021 693 86 01

Event Location


Registration deadline:
Friday 6 September 2024
The course is limited to 8 participants

Fast and reliable design of steel construction connections with IDEA StatiCa Steel

When designing a steel structure, a significant amount of the designers’ time and energy is spent on the design of the connections. These are important details to ensure safety: a defective or undersized connection can lead to the failure of the structure.​

For the most common connections, there are design aids, such as the C9.A and C9.B tables of the SZS. But they quickly show their limits for complex or atypical connections, which usually must be checked by hand for each different configuration present in the project.​

Nowadays, modern, reliable and systematic tools are available to considerably reduce the time spent on dimensioning connections and producing the necessary proofs for design notes, while ensuring safety and compliance with standards.​

After a brief theoretical review of the SIA 263 and Eurocode 3 standards, the reliable and fast design of connections will be presented through the IDEA StatiCa Steel software. This is a very complete software for connection design and calculation notes, with interfaces to common calculation and drawing software (AxisVM, SCIA Engineer, Robot, …) and based on a CBFEM (Component Based Finite Element Model) calculation method. It allows to treat steel-steel connections as well as wood-steel connections and anchors in concrete.​

At the end of the course, participants will be able to reliably and quickly design steel-steel connections (column-beam, beam-beam, tubes, complex nodes) with the help of IDEA StatiCa Steel software. Participants will be able to model connections using a graphical interface or a model imported from a design software, apply loads, interpret the results, classify connections according to their stiffness, and produce a complete design note.​

The course is intended primarily for civil engineers and contractors.​

The course will be held online. To allow for individual follow-up, the course is limited to 8 participants. Registration deadline Friday 6 September 2024.



Registration fee

With the support of