Tierpark Lange Erlen
Frau Bunina Anna
Manual Aires Mateus | Francisco Aires Mateus
USI, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio
Frühlingssemester 2024

The site is located on the border of Switzerland and Germany along the Tiergarden Lange Erlen.

Inspired by the definition ἀνάλημμα (analēmma), which is derived from from the Ancient Greek, meaning 'support' or 'base', represents a curve connecting different continuous points of an object. It’s traditionally associated with the geometrical position of the sun or moon, and symbolizes a trajectory from east to west; tracing a path through time. More than a century ago, railways were built, which nowadays remain unused for many years.

The elevated area of the abounded tracks protects the park and connects from both sides of the public promenade by the river Wiese. Emphasizing the traces of the past reinforces the idea of using what is already there by giving it a new meaning, which the city of Basel has considered for a long time already.

The approach how to touch the ground which is strong because of the past but at the same time fragile because nature overtaking it - can be seen in the first sketches. The repetition of the elements as an approach to trace the tracks but at the same time still give the light and air go through, allowing the building to be transparent in the urban context.

Important are some thoughts on how such a narrow and long building can be inhabited and have different scenarios with continuous movement with ramps in different levels.

856 meters long and 10 meters wide tranquil architectural structure that follows the curve of the abandoned railway, provides different public and private spaces, sometimes interrupted by plants and trees which are already where.

Protecting the ground floor as it is, the building provides public and private spaces on the last floor.

From workshops, ateliers, public library and restaurants, to the residential areas , closer to the woods.

A simple metal structure out of H beams with a wooden facade which follows the ramps, allows the building to be flexible in use.

It acts as a curtain for Basel, providing flexible multifunctional public and private spaces, with different scenarios of movement along one curve.