Objet du projet
Lavoro di Bachelor | Lavoro di Master
Sesto San Giovanni, Milano, Italia
Signora Gius Elena | Signore Di Milia Matteo
Dorte Mandrup
Haute école/Université
USI Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio
Semestre primaverile 2023

Mobility X is together a research centre and an urban park located in Sesto San Giovanni, in the northern periphery of Milan. Surrounding Piazzale Martesana, many infrastructures suggested to choose future and alternative transportation as the investigation topic. The first decision was to keep the pre-existing building: it is an electrical substation whose roof was eventually turned into a sports field. The programme of the project includes both theme-related (test-track, wind tunnel, hangar and offices) and public facilities (museum, bar and e-bike maintenance station). The building is decomposed into either polycarbonate or metal sheet boxes; those are encaged in a light-weight steel structure and linked by a system of walkways and ramps. The result is a see-through courtyard building entirely embraced by climbing plants.